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Lesotho’s New Dawn for Justice and Equality

Maseru- The government of Lesotho signed a financing agreement with the European Commission on September 8, 2020. The agreement, backed by the European Development Fund, injected EUR 8,500,000 into a program aimed at strengthen the rule of law, good governance, human rights, and gender equality in Lesotho.

The initiative, titled ‘Support for the Reform and Strengthening of Governance in Lesotho’, seeks to address long-standing challenges within the country’s justice system, which have hindered national development for years.

“The governance and justice systems in Lesotho are undoubtedly faced with several challenges that have become crippling obstacles to the development of our nation,” said Seoaholimo Phorisi, Director of planning ofthe Ministry of Justice and Law.

Phorisi pointed to high rates of corruption, weak systems with limited transparency, and an overwhelming backlog of cases in the courts as pressing issues. 

“Moreover, vulnerable groups do not have adequate access to justice due to the low capacity of the legal aid system,” he added.

These challenges have long plagued the Basotho nation, stalling progress and undermining public trust in government institutions. The new program aims to reverse these trends by reinforcing governance and accountability systems, which are crucial to the country’s overall development.

Speaking on behalf of the Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Justice and Law, Akimbo Phamotse who is Deputy Commissioner of corrections, highlighted the program’s focus on supporting the country’s efforts to improve governance and carry out institutional and legal reforms. 

“This initiative aims to improve the apparatuses that are supposed to guarantee respect for human rights, gender equality, and the rule of law,” said Phamotse.

One of the key objectives of the program is to strengthen the capacity of justice sector institutions, ensuring better service delivery and increased legal assistance for those living in poverty and other vulnerable situations. The program also aims to empower these groups to seek legal solutions through enhanced operational and oversight functions of independent institutions.

Phamotse expressed satisfaction with the progress made since the program’s kick-off in March 2023. “It gives me great pleasure to report that since March 2023, when this project kicked off, there has been noticeable improvement. This includes, among others, a crime prevention campaign and increased legal aid clinics,” he noted.

These early successes signal the potential of the program to bring about meaningful change in Lesotho’s justice and governance sectors. However, Phamotse was quick to emphasize that the program’s success hinges on the involvement of key stakeholders, including media houses. 

“This program cannot succeed without the involvement of key stakeholders and media houses. Therefore, we call upon you and bank on your support for this program,” he urged.

As part of the ongoing national reforms, this program represents a crucial piece in the broader effort to create the Lesotho that its citizens deserve. Phamotse made it clear that achieving this vision requires the commitment of every individual. 

In closing, Phamotse expressed his sincere gratitude to the European Union for its support on the program and to the National Authorizing Office for its continued guidance. This partnership marks a promising new chapter in Lesotho’s journey toward stronger governance and justice for all.

The program’s success will be measured not just by the reforms it implements, but by the tangible improvements in the lives of the Basotho people, especially the most vulnerable. The coming months and years will test the nation’s resolve, but with sustained effort and collaboration, a brighter, more just future is within reach For Basotho.

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