Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeLesotho HistoryLesotho king returns home as an ordinary village man

Lesotho king returns home as an ordinary village man

On this day 20 July 1992, King Moshoeshoe II, returned home from England as an ordinary village man, after spending two years living in England. 

His return was brokered by the then United Nations’ Secretary General, Boutros Boutros Ghali, since the then military government under the tutelage of Major General Elias Phisoana Ramaema, did not want him to return to his country, Lesotho. 

He was expelled from Lesotho by the military government under the leadership of Major General Justin Metsing Lekhanya in 1990.  And upon his arrival in England, King Moshoeshoe II was completely dethroned and his son, Mohato Bereng Seeiso, was forced to step up and take the throne. He then assumed the name, King Letsie III. 

Upon his return, King Moshoeshoe II and his son, King Letsie III, spent almost three years fighting for the reinstatement of King Moshoeshoe II, which eventually happened in 1995 but he survived only 12 months as a king as he died the following year. 

On the photo is the then South African president, Nelson Mandela, with King Moshoeshoe II in July 1995, six months after his reinstatement, and six months before his death. 

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