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HomeNewsSEBABATSO initiative to pave the way for youth- driven success

SEBABATSO initiative to pave the way for youth- driven success

Maseru- The organization SECTION 2 joins hands with the youth of Lesotho and the global community to honourthe critical role young people play in shaping the future. It highlighted the urgency of addressing the challenges that hinder the potential of the nation’s youth, while also celebrating the strides made through the SEBABATSO initiative. 

Launched by The Right Honourable Prime Minister Samuel Ntsokoane Matekane on October 25, 2023, the SEBABATSO initiative represents a bold attempt to tackle the high unemployment rates plaguing Lesotho’s youth. The initiative’s mission is clear and ambitious, which is to foster youth-led businesses, preparing them for both national and international investment opportunities.

SEBABATSO focuses on key sectors such as agriculture, arts, science, technology, and tourism, aiming to transform entrepreneurship into a powerful force for economic change. SECTION 2 praises SEBABATSO as a shining example of what can be achieved when vision and action meet. The initiative has brought new hope to many young Basotho, guiding them toward self-reliance and innovation.

However, as SECTION 2 celebrates these achievements, it also calls attention to the broader challenges that Lesotho faces. 

Lesotho’s economic landscape is stark. Nearly half of the population of 49.7 % that lives below the national poverty line, with 24.1 % in extreme poverty. This translates to almost a million Basotho struggling to make ends meet, and half a million living in severe destitution. 

Among the countries in the Southern Africa Customs Union (SACU), Lesotho’s poverty rate is alarmingly high, highlighting deep-seated systemic issues. One of the most significant barriers to breaking the cycle of poverty is unemployment. With half of the working-age population not engaged in the labour market, the youth bear the brunt of this crisis. The lack of meaningful employment opportunities not only stifles their potential but also breeds despair and disillusionment.

The patience of Lesotho’s youth is wearing thin. Despite various government efforts to address unemployment, the results have been limited and insufficient to meet the pressing needs of the young population. SECTION 2 warns that the discontent among the youth should not be underestimated. 

History shows that when young people unite around a cause, they can ignite movements that change the course of nations. The Arab Spring of 2010 serves as anunambiguous reminder of the power of youth-driven movements when aspirations are unmet. Lesotho now stands at a critical crossroads. The choice is clear: continue to delay action and risk further unrest, or take decisive steps to empower the youth and secure the nation’s future. 

SECTION 2 urges the leaders of Lesotho to make bold decisions that reflect both compassion and foresight. This is a pivotal moment in the nation’s history, one that calls for governance that listens to the voices of young people and acts to bridge the gap between potential and opportunity. The youth of Lesotho are not just the leaders of tomorrow; they are the change makers of today. They are the ones who will inherit the challenges of climate change, economic inequality, and social injustice. Their creativity, resilience, and commitment to justice are essential to driving the solutions that Lesotho desperately needs. 

SECTION 2 calls on all sectors of society to empower and support Lesotho’s youth. Policymakers are urged to create spaces for young voices to be heard and to act on their recommendations. Civil society is encouraged to amplify the efforts of youth activists who work tirelessly for social justice. The private sector is reminded of the importance of investing in the potential of young people, not just as employees but as partners in development. 

Together, the nation can build a future where the dreams and aspirations of its youth are not just imagined but realized. On this International Youth Day, SECTION 2’s message is clear that, Lesotho’s future lies in the hands of its youth, and the time to act is now.

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