Wednesday, September 18, 2024
HomePoliticsBAP Expel “Rebels”

BAP Expel “Rebels”

Basotho Action Party (BAP)  has expelled Mr. Tankiso Phapano, Thabiso Likotsi , Tšeliso Matseletse and Molibetsane Mafethe from the party. This is according to a circular by the party’s Secretary General.

Sources within the BAP says this move is to rid the party off rogue elements who are hell bent on destabilising the party.

Phapano who is also Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Energy has been at loggerheads with his leader, Professor Nqosa Mahao both at government and party level.

Well placed sources in the BAP say the root course of the problems started when BAP joined the ruling coalition government and political appointment of Phapano on BAP’s ticket to become the PS.

“Prof. tried to call him [Phapano] to order…he was more interested in tenders at LEC and which bordered on corruption…” one source said.

Speaking to Lesotho Tribune, BAP spokesman, Teboho Lehloenya said, “after hearing any disciplinary cases, BAP’s Disciplinary Committee may only recommend sunctions or otherwise to CEC; who in turn may accept, modify or reject any such recommendations…”

“The Party’s National Conference acts as an Appeal Court for its members, who might be agrieved by CEC decisions on their respective disciplinary cases.”

Asked whether Phapano was still a member of the BAP in good standing after his appointment as the PS, Lehloenya said, “it is not accurate for anyone to suggest that comrade Phapano had terminated his BAP membership upon appointment as PS. Until his expulsion by CEC on 5/08/2024, Cde Phapano was a bona fide BAP member in the Mosalemane Constituency.”

Asked whether BAP will request termination of Phapano’s contract or transfer to a different ministry since he is no longer a member of BAP, Lehloenya said, “comrade Phapano’s terms of service as PS are governed by Public Service Act, 2005 and Public Service Regulations, 2008. What BAP could and did, was to request Rt Hon PM to transfer him to another Ministry, if only to maintain order and the rule of law in the Ministry of Energy.”

Asked how the BAP plans on dealing with members who are planning on destabilising BAP, Lehloenya said, “any attempt to destabilize BAP by any of its members at any level, would face a swift and decisive desciplinary action as provided for in the Party’s constitution without fear, favour or prejudice.”

Efforts to get comments from Phapano were unsuccessful as our questions remained unanswered until publishing of this article.

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