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HomeOpinionBasotho Express Growing Concerns Over Safety Amid Rising Violent Crime

Basotho Express Growing Concerns Over Safety Amid Rising Violent Crime

A recent survey conducted by the Lesotho Tribune has revealed widespread concerns among Basotho regarding their safety in the face of increasing violent crime. The poll, conducted on both Facebook and Twitter on July 23, 2024, asked residents whether they felt safe in Lesotho given the recent surge in violent crimes.

The results were striking. On Twitter, an overwhelming 85% of respondents stated that they do not feel safe, while only 15% felt otherwise. The Facebook poll echoed similar sentiments, with the majority expressing concerns over safety. Among the 162 comments analyzed, 93% of participants indicated they felt unsafe, with a significant portion blaming the government for the lack of effective crime-fighting measures.

Key Findings:

– Public Sentiment: 85% of Twitter respondents and 93% of Facebook commenters feel unsafe.

– Blame Distribution: 50% of the Facebook comments attributed the problem to government inaction, citing ineffective policies and interventions. Another 30% pointed to broader societal issues, while 20% simply expressed their fear without attributing blame.

Sample Responses:

Facebook user Marcosannie Moleli criticized the government’s failure, noting that the rise in crime has significantly affected tourism and deterred investors. He emphasized that the problem is not just government negligence but also systemic corruption and failures within the judicial system.

D’e-sun Day Sun countered by suggesting that the blame should not rest solely on the government, highlighting that societal change must start at the community level.

Poll summary:

Lessons from El Salvador:

Lesotho’s situation has parallels with El Salvador, a country that once faced rampant violent crime. In recent years, El Salvador has taken drastic measures to combat gang violence, including implementing stringent security policies and establishing specialized police units. While some of these measures have been controversial, they have significantly reduced the country’s homicide rate. Lesotho can draw lessons from El Salvador’s approach, particularly in strengthening law enforcement and judicial systems, to ensure a more comprehensive and effective response to violent crime.

As Lesotho grapples with these challenges, the need for robust and coherent crime-fighting strategies has never been more urgent. The government must take decisive action to restore public confidence and ensure the safety of all Basotho.

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