Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeCompaniesFinancial Services“Diversification is the only free lunch in investing.” – Harry Markowitz

“Diversification is the only free lunch in investing.” – Harry Markowitz


In Lesotho’s burgeoning financial market, the concept of multi-manager asset management is gaining traction as a potential game-changer. 

Multi-managers, or fund-of-fund managers, offer diversified access to a range of asset classes by investing in a selection of unit trusts managed by top South African and global asset management companies. This model, already proven in South Africa, is now poised to bring significant benefits to Lesotho’s investors.

Lesotho’s financial markets are still in their infancy compared to their South African counterparts. However, the adoption of a multi-manager approach could accelerate the growth and sophistication of the market, providing local investors with access to world-class asset management expertise. The key advantage of multi-managers is their ability to combine the strengths of various fund managers, reducing the risk associated with relying on a single asset manager.

Proven Success in South Africa

South Africa’s financial market provides a robust case study for the success of multi-manager asset management. Companies like Old Mutual, Allan Gray, and Coronation have demonstrated the viability of this approach. These firms have consistently delivered strong returns to their clients by leveraging the expertise of multiple fund managers, each specializing in different asset classes or investment strategies.

Old Mutual Unit Trusts, for instance, offer diversified access to a range of asset classes, providing investors with a balanced mix of equity, fixed income, and alternative investments. The latest fund prices and movements, along with yield and status updates, highlight the dynamic nature of these investments. By spreading investments across various funds, Old Mutual ensures that their clients are not overly exposed to the risks associated with any single market or asset class.

The Lesotho Opportunity

The potential for multi-manager asset management in Lesotho is significant. By adopting this model, local asset managers can offer their clients a similar level of diversification and risk management as seen in South Africa. This is particularly important in a market like Lesotho’s, where the options for local investment are limited, and the risks of concentrating investments are high.

The multi-manager approach allows Lesotho’s investors to benefit from the expertise of top South African and global asset management companies without having to navigate the complexities of international investments themselves. This model provides a layer of professional oversight and due diligence, ensuring that the selected unit trusts meet high standards of performance and risk management.

Challenges and Considerations

Despite its potential, the adoption of multi-manager asset management in Lesotho is not without challenges. Regulatory frameworks must be robust enough to support and oversee these complex investment structures. Additionally, local asset managers need to build the necessary expertise and infrastructure to manage these multi-manager funds effectively.

Education and awareness are also critical. Investors in Lesotho need to understand the benefits and risks associated with multi-manager investments. Transparency and communication from asset managers will be key in building trust and encouraging more investors to embrace this model.


The introduction of multi-manager asset management in Lesotho’s financial markets holds significant promise. By leveraging the proven success of this model in South Africa, Lesotho’s asset managers can offer their clients diversified and professionally managed investment options. This approach not only mitigates risk but also opens up opportunities for higher returns and greater market sophistication.

As Lesotho’s financial market continues to evolve, the role of multi-manager asset managers will be crucial in driving growth and stability. With the right regulatory support and investor education, this model could very well be the cornerstone of a thriving and resilient financial market in Lesotho.

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