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Hydrogen Plant Brings Hope for Lesotho

This week, the National University of Lesotho (NUL) Masters of Sustainable Energy student, TÅ¡episo Angelina Ramaisatook social media by storm after it was reported that she has successfully completed the first part of the work in which she is designing a plant that will produce Green Hydrogen. Ms. Ramaisa is supervised by Professor Thimothy Thamae and Mr. Moruti Kao.

Lesotho Tribune caught with Ms. Ramaisa to find out more on her project.

Lesotho Tribune (LT): Who is TÅ¡episo Ramaisa?

TÅ¡episo Ramaisa (TR): I am TÅ¡episo Angelina Ramaisa, a 27-year-old female and a final-year Master’s student in Sustainable Energy at the National University of Lesotho. I am passionate about renewable energy and focused on advancing Lesotho’s energy sector through sustainable practices. My work centers on exploring alternative energy solutions, including green hydrogen production, to address the country’s energy challenges. With a strong interest in the potential of renewable resources like hydro, solar, and wind, I aim to contribute to Lesotho’s transition towards a more sustainable and energy-independent future.

LT:What inspired you to design a hydrogen plant, and how did you become
interested in this specific area of sustainable energy?

TR:. Designing a hydrogen plant was inspired by my passion for renewable energy and my desire to help address the energy challenges faced by Lesotho. Growing up in a country with abundant natural resources like hydro, solar, and wind, I saw the untapped potential for cleaner and more sustainable energy solutions. As I delved deeper into sustainable energy during my studies, I became particularly intrigued by green hydrogen due to its potential to revolutionize energy systems, especially in regions like Lesotho, where hydrogen could be produced using renewable sources like hydroelectric power.

My interest in green hydrogen was further sparked by its ability to offer a clean alternative to fossil fuels, emitting only water as a by-product. This not only reduces carbon emissions but also positions hydrogen as a versatile energy carrier for various applications, from fuel cells to large-scale power generation. The idea of contributing to Lesotho’s energy independence, while also tackling climate change on a larger scale, motivated me to focus on designing a hydrogen plant tailored to the country’s renewable resources.

LT: In an article published by NUL innovation hub, you mentioned that the
design process almost “broke your neck.” Could you elaborate on the
biggest challenges you faced while creating the material balance

TR: One of the biggest challenges was ensuring that the equations accurately accounted for all components—hydrogen, oxygen, water, and the electrolyte—while maintaining the balance throughout the entire system. This was crucial for calculating the exact input and output quantities to ensure optimal efficiency.

Another major hurdle was the complexity of integrating the different process streams. I had to ensure that the molar fractions added up to one for each component at various points in the system. Any small error could throw off the entire calculation, leading to inefficient energy use or incorrect predictions of production rates. Managing this level of detail, while also factoring in reaction rates, temperature variations, and system efficiency, made the process extremely demanding. On top of that, working with limited data specific to Lesotho’s renewable energy resources added another layer of difficulty. Since most existing models were not tailored to our local context, I had to adapt or create new parameters, which made the design process much more intricate than anticipated.

LT: Why do you believe focusing on fertilizer production would be a more
suitable starting point for Lesotho, rather than focusing on
hydrogen-powered cars?

TR: I believe focusing on fertilizer production is a more suitable starting point for Lesotho, rather than hydrogen-powered cars, for several key reasons. First, agriculture is a vital part of Lesotho’s economy, and the country faces challenges with soil fertility and food security. Producing green hydrogen to manufacture ammonia, a key ingredient in fertilizers, would directly support the agricultural sector, improving crop yields and boosting food production. This approach addresses an immediate need and has the potential to significantly impact local livelihoods and food security.

Second, the infrastructure required for hydrogen-powered cars, such as refuelling stations and vehicle adoption, is still in its infancy globally, let alone in Lesotho. The costs and logistics of introducing hydrogen vehicles are high, and the market demand for them in Lesotho is currently low. On the other hand, fertilizer production is a well-established industry with an immediate market, making it a more practical and impactful entry point for hydrogen technology. By starting with fertilizer production, Lesotho can build a foundation for green hydrogen utilization in a way that aligns with its economic priorities, while creating a pathway for future hydrogen applications like transportation. This approach allows the country to gradually develop the expertise and infrastructure needed for larger-scale hydrogen adoption, including in the transport sector, when the time is right.

LT: How do you see Lesotho benefiting from green hydrogen in the
agricultural sector, especially with the production of ammonium nitrate

TR: Lesotho stands to gain significant benefits from green hydrogen in the agricultural sector, particularly through the production of ammonium nitrate fertilizer. Agriculture is a cornerstone of the country’s economy, and improving soil fertility is essential for increasing food production and supporting rural livelihoods. By utilizing green hydrogen to produce ammonia—a key ingredient in ammonium nitrate—Lesotho can manufacture fertilizers locally, reducing dependence on imports and lowering costs for farmers. This would lead to higher crop yields and improved food security, which is critical for a country where agriculture employs a large portion of the population.

Moreover, producing fertilizer using green hydrogen aligns with global sustainability goals, as it eliminates the carbon emissions typically associated with conventional ammonia production. Traditional methods rely on natural gas or coal, contributing significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. By using renewable energy, such as hydroelectric power, to produce green hydrogen, Lesotho can create a cleaner, more sustainable fertilizer industry, positioning itself as a leader in environmentally friendly agriculture. In addition to boosting local food production, this approach could also open up export opportunities for Lesotho, allowing it to supply sustainably produced fertilizers to neighbouring countries. Over time, the green hydrogen industry could stimulate rural development, create jobs, and contribute to the country’s overall economic growth, while ensuring that agricultural practices remain environmentally sustainable.

LT: Given the controversy around using hydrogen to power cars, what are
your thoughts on its long-term feasibility for automobiles in Lesotho or
even globally?

TR: while hydrogen-powered vehicles hold promise, their widespread adoption will depend on technological advancements, economic feasibility, and the development of necessary infrastructure. For Lesotho, focusing on hydrogen applications in sectors like agriculture and gradually developing transportation infrastructure might be a more practical approach. Globally, continued research and investment in technology and infrastructure is crucial to realizing the full potential of hydrogen as a clean transportation solution. In this regard, Lesotho can build a robust infrastructure for hydrogen-powered vehicles and lead the way in demonstrating the viability of this technology. Developing local expertise, investing in infrastructure, and fostering partnerships with global automotive and energy companies could help Lesotho establish itself as a significant player in the green hydrogen industry.

LT: Can you tell us more about the collaboration between you and other
students, like Thuso Mosuoane, and how this teamwork contributes to the
project’s success?

TR: Thuso’s contributions are critical as we move forward. The next steps, including energy balances, process and instrumentation diagrams, and process control, require a detailed and methodical approach. By addressing these areas, Thuso will help ensure that our hydrogen production model is not only accurate but also operationally viable. His work will integrate the material balances with energy considerations, design the necessary instrumentation for monitoring and control, and develop comprehensive process control strategies. This allows us to build on each other’s strengths and expertise, ensuring that each component of the project is meticulously developed and that the overall system functions cohesively. The collaborative effort ensures that we cover all aspects of the design and implementation process, contributing to the project’s success and advancing our goal of establishing a robust green hydrogen production system.

LT: Lesotho has an abundance of water and renewable energy sources like
solar and wind. How do you see these resources positioning Lesotho as a
leader in green hydrogen production?

TR: Lesotho’s abundance of water and renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, uniquely positions it to become a leader in green hydrogen production. Water is essential for producing green hydrogen through electrolysis, and Lesotho’s ample water resources provide a reliable supply for this process. By utilizing its renewable energy sources to power electrolysis, Lesotho can produce hydrogen sustainably with minimal carbon emissions, setting itself apart as a key player in clean energy solutions.

The country’s significant solar and wind resources offer the potential to generate the large amounts of electricity required for electrolysis. Solar energy is typically more available during the day, while wind energy can be harnessed effectively at night or during different weather conditions, ensuring a stable and continuous supply of renewable energy for hydrogen production. This combination of resources supports a reliable and efficient production process.Additionally, as global demand for clean energy solutions grows, Lesotho’s commitment to green hydrogen could position it as a significant exporter, tapping into the expanding global market. Developing a green hydrogen industry also brings substantial economic benefits, including investments in infrastructure and technology, and generates high-value jobs. Environmentally, it supports global climate goals by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting the use of renewable energy.

LT: What role do you see for government and private sector investment in
advancing green hydrogen technology in Lesotho?

TR: The government can provide the foundational support needed to develop the hydrogen sector by creating favourable policies and regulations that encourage investment and innovation. This includes offering financial incentives, such as subsidies or tax breaks, for companies investing in green hydrogen technologies and infrastructure. Additionally, the government can spearhead research initiatives, collaborate with international partners, and invest in public infrastructure like hydrogen refuelling stations to support the growth of this emerging industry.

On the other hand, private sector investment is essential for driving technological advancements and scaling up green hydrogen production. Private companies can invest in research and development to improve hydrogen production technologies and reduce costs. They can also contribute to building the necessary infrastructure, such as electrolyzers and storage facilities, and develop commercial applications for hydrogen. Collaboration between private investors and local businesses can foster innovation and create a competitive market environment, further accelerating the adoption of green hydrogen technologies.

LT: Looking ahead, what do you think will be the most significant hurdle
in bringing your hydrogen plant design to life?

TR: Looking ahead, the biggest challenge in bringing the hydrogen plant design to life will likely be securing enough funding and resources. Building and running a hydrogen plant, especially one focused on producing hydrogen for fertilizers, requires substantial investment. This includes the costs for setting up the equipment, maintaining operations, and developing the infrastructure needed, like refuelling stations and facilities for producing fertilizers. Additionally, ensuring that the technology is reliable and efficient will be crucial. Overcoming these financial and technical challenges will be key to making the hydrogen plant and its associated fertilizer production a reality.

LT: How does your research at NUL contribute to global efforts towards
decarbonization, and how do you see your work impacting the future of
green energy?

TR: My research at the National University of Lesotho contributes to global decarbonization efforts by advancing green hydrogen production, which is a key technology for reducing carbon emissions. By focusing on producing hydrogen from renewable sources like hydro, solar, and wind, my work aims to create a cleaner, more sustainable energy solution that can replace fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Green hydrogen has the potential to play a significant role in various sectors, including transportation, industry, and agriculture. By developing efficient and cost-effective methods for hydrogen production, my research helps pave the way for broader adoption of this technology. This not only supports Lesotho’s energy transition but also contributes to global efforts to combat climate change. Looking to the future, the impact of my work in green hydrogen production could be substantial. As the technology matures and becomes more economically viable, it could lead to significant reductions in carbon emissions worldwide. By demonstrating the potential of green hydrogen in a country with abundant renewable resources, my research may inspire similar initiatives in other regions, further accelerating the global shift towards green energy and a more sustainable future.

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