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HomeNewsLesotho secures M200million donation from Japan

Lesotho secures M200million donation from Japan

Selloane Nyakane

The United Nations  World Food Programme (WFP) welcomed a JPY 200Million (which is approximately USD $ 1.2 million) contribution by the government of Japan to strengthen food assistance support for 50,000 pre-primary school children through the Government of Lesotho’s National School feeding programme.

A short ceremony was held on Wednesday 14th at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Relations to mark a contribution that will be used to buy nutrious meals from pre-primary  schools across the country . The ceremony was also officiatedby Chief Education Officer for Basic Education Ms.ThutoNts’ekhe Mokhele.

“ The fund will purchase 100metric tons of canned fish, 126.085 metric tons of rice and 220.894 maize meals, complementing the split peas and supers cereal by WFP,” Thuto said 

She said the initiative remains one of Lesotho’s most significant safety net initiatives as it addresses issues of stunting, malnutrition and low enrolment rates in pre and primary schools.

“School feeding is more than an expense but it is an investment,the initiative will feed 50,000 children  for over 180 school daysand focussing on 2,400 Early Childhood Care and Development,” she said

Thuto indicated that better nutrition enhance cognitive development and improves school attendance as many children rely on school meals. Adding that this aligns with Article 4 of human rights of child and ensuring children develop to their full potential.

She urged parents to enroll children to pre-schools to ensure smooth transition to primary school and also encouraged pre-school proprietors to register schools to benefit the aid.

Delivering his speech, H.E Shigeru Ushio Ambassador of Japan said Japan has contributed over US $ 13 million since 2019, adding that the food assistance allows children to remain at schools and reach their full potential. 

He said through WFP they save lives in emergencies and using assistance to built pathway to peace, Stability and prosperity for people recovering from conflict, disasters and impact of climate change .

WFP Representative and Country Director, Ms Aurore Rusiga said Lesotho food security situation remains dire as a result of high food prices and climatic shocks such as El Nino induced drought.

She said the timely contribution comes at the critical time, when Government has declared national food insecurity disaster effective from 12 July 2024- 31 March 2025.

“Assessment findings indicates that the number of insecure people are approximately 700,000 (3rd of the population) which includes 403,000 in rural and 296,00 in urban areas while all the 10 districts are anticipated to be in IPC 3 crisis or worse from October 2024-March 2025,” Rusiga Stressed 

She commended that the aid will reach most vulnerable Basotho Children in the form of nutrious meal allowing them to fully participate in their education.

Rusiga emphasised that the initiative will also ensure the undisrupted provision of school lunches, fortified portage rich in vitamins and minerals everyday .

Minister Foreign Affairs and International Relations, LejoneMpotjoane said many people are food insecure this there is no doubt that most pre-primary school learners come from food insecure households thus school meals are (or) can be only nutrious meal they receive allowing them to be healthy and ready to learn.

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