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HomeNewsMake Sanitary Pads a Human Right: Advocacy Group

Make Sanitary Pads a Human Right: Advocacy Group


In a compelling plea to the National Assembly of Lesotho’s Women Caucus, citizens have united to advocate for the declaration of sanitary pads as a fundamental right. This initiative, spearheaded by concerned individuals from various sectors, aims to address a critical issue affecting the health, dignity, and well-being of individuals who menstruate.

The call comes amidst alarming reports of individuals—especially those from marginalized communities—struggling to access or afford menstrual hygiene products, such as sanitary pads. For many, the inability to obtain these essential items due to financial constraints forces them into using unsanitary alternatives like rags or newspapers, exposing them to serious health risks.

Pontsho Ntjelo, one of the advocates leading the charge, emphasizes that the lack of access not only jeopardizes physical health but also perpetuates social stigma and exclusion. “It is disheartening that in today’s society, some individuals cannot fully participate in daily activities like school or work simply because they lack access to sanitary pads,” Ntjelo stated.

The proposed declaration seeks to ensure universal access to menstrual hygiene products, regardless of socioeconomic status or geographic location. Advocates propose policy interventions such as implementing subsidy programs, establishing effective distribution channels to reach underserved communities, and reinforcing school curricula to promote awareness and eliminate stigma.

Lebohang Ntsau, another advocate, highlighted the importance of legislative action: “Enacting legislation that guarantees access to sanitary pads as a human right is crucial in addressing this issue comprehensively.”

The initiative has garnered widespread support from various organizations and sectors, including WILSA, the Law Society, and Women in Business, among others. These groups have echoed the call for proactive measures to be taken swiftly to address this pressing issue affecting the dignity and health of Mosotho citizens.

In closing, advocates urge the National Assembly’s Women Caucus to consider this matter urgently and with compassion. By officially recognizing sanitary pads as a fundamental human right, Lesotho can lead the way in ensuring equitable access to essential health products for all its citizens.

The campaign marks a pivotal moment in Lesotho’s pursuit of gender equality and the protection of basic human rights. It underscores the importance of collaborative efforts in fostering a society where every individual, regardless of economic status, enjoys the fundamental dignity of access to essential health care products.

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