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HomeNewsMofomobe Calls for Immediate Resignation of Minister Lephema Over Conflict of Interest

Mofomobe Calls for Immediate Resignation of Minister Lephema Over Conflict of Interest


The Basotho National Party (BNP) leader, Hon. Machesetsa Mofomobe, has called for the immediate resignation of Hon. Lebona Lephema from his positions as Minister of Local Government, Police, and Home Affairs, as well as his seat in parliament. This demand arises following the recent announcement of Lucapa Diamond Company Limited’s sale of its 70% stake in Mothae Diamonds (Pty) Ltd to Lephema Executive Transport (Pty) Ltd, a company in which Hon. Lephema holds a 60% share.

Hon. Mofomobe’s call for resignation is grounded in a strong argument based on Lesotho’s Company Act of 2011, which addresses conflicts of interest. According to the Act, any person in a position of power or influence within the government must avoid situations where personal interests could conflict with their official duties. Hon. Lephema, being a senior cabinet minister, is also bound by the code of ethics for cabinet members, which further emphasizes the need for impartiality and avoidance of conflicts of interest in their official roles.

“The situation with Hon. Lephema is a clear conflict of interest,” Hon. Mofomobe stated. “As a major shareholder in Lephema Executive Transport, which has just acquired a significant stake in Mothae Diamonds, he stands to gain personally from decisions that could be influenced by his ministerial position. This is unacceptable and undermines the trust and integrity of our government.”

“If he doesn’t resign we will take him to court,” Hon. Mofomobe added.

The Lesotho Company Act of 2011 provides a clear framework for addressing conflicts of interest. It stipulates that any person who holds a position in a company that may conflict with their public duties must declare such interests and, where necessary, recuse themselves from decision-making processes that could influence their private interests.

Hon. Lephema’s dual role as a major shareholder in a private company and a senior government minister presents a textbook case of conflict of interest. His involvement in business transactions with the government he serves not only breaches the ethical standards expected of public officials but also potentially violates the legal statutes designed to prevent such conflicts.

The code of ethics for cabinet members in Lesotho underscores the importance of maintaining public confidence in the integrity of government operations. It mandates that cabinet members should not engage in any activity that could be seen as compromising their ability to act in the public’s best interest. By holding significant business interests that interact with government operations, Hon. Lephema is in direct violation of these ethical guidelines.

Hon. Mofomobe’s argument extends beyond the legal and ethical violations to the broader implications for government integrity and public trust. When cabinet ministers engage in business dealings with the government, it creates a perception of corruption and undermines public confidence in the fairness and impartiality of government operations.

“Ministers should be focused on serving the public, not on advancing their private business interests,” Hon. Mofomobe asserted. “Allowing such conflicts to persist sends a message that our government is open to corruption and self-serving behavior. We must hold our leaders to the highest standards to ensure that the interests of Basotho come first.”

In light of these concerns, Hon. Mofomobe has called for Hon. Lephema to resign immediately from his ministerial position and his seat in parliament. This action, he argues, is necessary to restore public trust and ensure that government decisions are made in the best interest of the people, free from personal biases and conflicts.

“The resignation of Hon. Lephema is not just a matter of legal and ethical compliance; it is a matter of preserving the integrity of our government,” Hon. Mofomobe concluded. “We cannot afford to have leaders whose personal interests interfere with their public duties. It is time for Hon. Lephema to step down for the good of our nation.”

Despite multiple attempts to reach both Hon. Lephema and representatives from Lephema Executive Transport for comments, our efforts were unsuccessful. The lack of response leaves unanswered questions regarding the perceived conflict of interest and its implications for government integrity and public trust.

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