Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeNewsMofomobe Condemns LDF Brutality…Assures Victims His Party’s Full Support 

Mofomobe Condemns LDF Brutality…Assures Victims His Party’s Full Support 

In what can only be described as a harrowing reign of unchecked brutality, the Lesotho Defence Force (LDF) continues to perpetuate a chilling pattern of violence against its own citizens, under the guise of maintaining national security. With each passing day, it becomes increasingly clear that the LDF, instead of being protectors of the Basotho people, has transformed into a force of terror, leaving a trail of devastation and death in its wake. 

The recent Operation Hard Fist, ostensibly aimed at ridding the country of illegal firearms, has instead turned into a violent crusade that targets innocent civilians. The tragic events of September 5, 2024, in Khokhoba, Ha Lebese, are a grim reminder of the consequences of a military force that operates with impunity. Two residents, suspected of possessing illegal firearms, lost their lives at the hands of the LDF. Their crime? Allegedly being in possession of illegal weapons—without evidence, without a trial, and without due process.

Speaking on Tuesday 10 Sept at the Basotho National Party (BNP) press conference, Hon. Machesetsa branded the Mokotakoti and Ratjomose military barracks as “camps of torture”.

“Two residents of Khokhoba, Ha Lebese, were murdered in cold blood by the LDF on September 5. Their crime? Being suspected of possessing firearms, without evidence, without trial, and without due process,” Mofomobe said. “What we have here is not law enforcement but outright extrajudicial killings, carried out by the very force that is supposed to protect our people.”

Hon. Mofomobe also condemned the LDF press statement, which stated that they’ll investigate the murders.

“What kind of an institution is this? They murder civilians and investigate themselves?” asked Hon. Mofomobe.

But this is not an isolated incident. On August 13, 2024, four Basotho men—Molemo Mosunyane, Kakaretso Tsapi, Retselisitsoe Moeti, and Thabiso Mohlolo—were subjected to unimaginable torture at the hands of the LDF. According to legal documents filed by Advocate N. Mafaesa, these men were unlawfully arrested, detained, and tortured for four excruciating days. The LDF allegedly demanded they produce firearms, which they repeatedly denied possessing. Their refusal was met with severe beatings, as they were struck with sticks on their chests, buttocks, thighs, stomach, and legs. 

The men were shuffled between Mokotakoti and Ha Ratjomose Barracks, where they endured further inhumane treatment, before being released without charge on August 16, 2024. The physical and psychological toll on these men is incalculable, with the victims suffering from shock, severe bodily harm, and long-lasting disabilities. Their legal team is now demanding M10,000,000 in damages for this heinous violation of human rights.

Hon Mofomobe condemned these incidents, “what the LDF is doing highlight a dangerous culture of impunity within the military ranks, where accountability seems to be a foreign concept. The Penal Code Act of 2010 is clear: acts of torture and inhumane treatment are crimes against humanity. Yet, the LDF soldiers responsible for these crimes continue to act with impunity, shielded by their uniforms and the authority vested in them by the state.”

“As BNP we are taking record of the perpetrators and when the time is right, they’ll face the music,” added Hon. Mofomobe.

Hon. Mofomobe blamed the prime minister by saying that, the deaths in Khokhoba, the torture in Mokotakoti, and the long list of other abuses committed by the LDF are not isolated mistakes—they are part of a systematic failure of leadership that puts the lives of Basotho citizens in jeopardy.

In response, Government of Lesotho issued a statement on Friday 13 September expressing regret over two incidents involving deaths during military operations and gang-related violence. 

The government has called for investigations into the military’s role in the deaths, reassured the public of its commitment to peace, and condemned both gang violence and any unnecessary force used by security forces.

In conclusion Hon. Mofomobe said, “the LDF’s attempt to brand Operation Hard Fist as a campaign for peace and stability is nothing more than a cynical ploy to justify their brutality. The families of those who lost their lives in Khokhoba deserve justice. The survivors of the LDF’s torture camps deserve accountability. And the nation of Lesotho deserves to know that those entrusted with protecting them are not the very ones who endanger their lives.”

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