Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeOpinionOpinion Poll Report

Opinion Poll Report


In our recent polls conducted on Facebook and X (formerly Twitter), the public was asked their opinion on Lesotho Prime Minister Sam Matekane’s statement denying that Basotho have a right to food. The results provide an intriguing look into public sentiment on this critical issue.

Facebook Poll Results

Participants were given four options:

1. Oa nepa ha se boikarabello ba hae (He’s correct)

2. Oa fosa ke boikarabello ba hae (He’s wrong)

3. Mosotho emong le emong o lokela ho iphepa (Everyone should fend for themselves)

4. Ha ke bone bothata (I see no issue)


– Oa nepa ha se boikarabello ba hae: 127 votes

– Oa fosa ke boikarabello ba hae: 171 votes

– Mosotho emong le emong o lokela ho iphepa: 17 shares

– Ha ke bone bothata: 1.5k votes

X (Twitter) Poll Results

Participants were given four options:

1. He’s correct

2. He’s wrong

3. He’s out of touch

4. Other (comment)


He’s correct: 10%

He’s wrong: 29%

He’s out of touch: 52%

Other (comment): 9%


The majority of respondents on both platforms believe that Prime Minister Sam Matekane is out of touch with the needs and rights of Basotho. However, the platforms show differing levels of intensity in their responses.

Facebook: The results indicate a significant number of people see no issue with the Prime Minister’s stance. This may suggest either a broader acceptance or resignation to the current political rhetoric.

X (Twitter): The majority feel the Prime Minister is out of touch, indicating a stronger opposition to his statement. 

Results Visualisation 

Facebook Poll Results

X (Twitter) Poll Results

Comparison of Facebook and X Poll Results

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