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Press Release

12 August 2024

LHDA Demonstrates Commitment to Timely Compensation in Mohale Region

Following a successful distribution exercise in ‘Muela a week ago, the Lesotho Highlands Development Authority (LHDA) continues to uphold its commitment to the communities affected by its projects, successfully implementing the Grain Compensation Distribution drive in the Mohale foothills this past weekend, reaching several villages including Ha Phaloane, Ha Ratau, Ha Seoehlane, Ha Makhale, and Ha Ntsi on Saturday. On Sunday, the drive extended into the Mohale highlands, ensuring that the villages of Ha Mohale, Ha Phomolo, Ha Lebiletsa, Ha Likomisi, and Ha Nyakane received their due compensation.

The LHDA Compensation Policy is designed to ensure that those impacted by the authority’s infrastructure projects are not left behind. It is not just about providing material support; but also about acknowledging the challenges that these communities face, and ensuring that they receive their rightful compensation in a timely manner.

The terrain of the Mohale region presents significant logistical challenges, from rugged foothills to remote highlands. Despite these,, the LHDA ensures that compensation is delivered to every affected household. This underscores the authority’s commitment to the well-being of the communities that the project serves, as they are integral to the success of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project.

While access to many remote areas is often difficult, theLHDA has put in place a well-coordinated logistics strategy that involves close collaboration with local leaders and the use of appropriate transportation methods to ensure that the compensation reaches the intended recipients without delay.

The Authority understands that delays in compensation can have a significant impact on the livelihoods of affected families, particularly in regions where agricultural activities are the primary source of income. By ensuring that the Grain Compensation Distribution drive coincides with the harvest period, the LHDA aligns with the agricultural cycles that are vital to these communities.

The successful coverage of both the foothills and highlands of Mohale this past weekend  demonstrates the LHDA’s resolve to meet its obligations to ensure that every affected community receives its due compensation on time. fostering trust and strengthening the relationship between the LHDA and the people it serves.

As the Grain Compensation Distribution drive continues, the LHDA remains focused on the broader goal of improving the livelihoods of communities impacted by the LHWP; over and above the compensation that is due to them.

The LHDA will continue to monitor the distribution process and engage with communities to ensure that their needs are met and that the compensation provided truly supports their welfare. This is the essence of the LHDA’s approach to sustainable development—one that places people and communities at the heart of its operations and recognizes the importance of timely, fair, and meaningful compensation.



Malakeng Hloma

Publications Editor

[email protected] / 62008504

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