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HomePoliticsRFP Catches Big Fish: Rapapa's Arrogance Drives Hloaele into the Fold

RFP Catches Big Fish: Rapapa’s Arrogance Drives Hloaele into the Fold


Maseru- On Wednesday 3rd August, the Revolution for Prosperity (RFP) welcomed forty-four (44) new members from different parties: Alliance of Democrats (AD), Democratic Congress (DC), Basotho National Party (BNP), and All Basotho Convention Party (ABC) and United Africans Transformation (UAT), Basotho Action Party (BAP).

Thuso Litjobo and Mokoto Hloaele, two prominent members of AD also left the party to join RFP. Hloaele expressed Dissatisfaction with the leadership of Ntoi Rapapa accusing him of side-lining key party founders and other constituencies after the 2022 election, which him become a minister in the RFP led coalition government.

Hloaele stressed that Rapapa, once held a political rally at his constituency of Maliba-Mat’so #6 without informing him. Adding that Rapapa’s interests and focus of his constituency of Mosalemane #19. This according to Hloaele has caused “tension”and dissatisfaction among other AD constituencies. 

He also hinted that he could have joined RFP since its inception if RFP focussed on politicians rather business people. He further mentioned that if by then RFP had sought political leadership Maliba-Mat’so, would have become an RFP strong-hold.

Similarly Litjobo’s departure reflects a growing discontent within the AD which he informed it face internal strife since its founding leader, Monyane Moleleki lost the leadership election last year. 

He said the RFP’s policies and vision are appealing, further praising RFP for its efforts in improving infrastructure, service delivery and also noted that since RFP took power in 2022 the-economy has grown by around 2.5%. 

Litjobo concluded that RFP is more aligned with his political goals and aspirations.

Members of AD were seen in numbers crossing to RFP of which this may lead to either weakening or dissolution of the party. 

On his part, Khauta Monare from AD urged Basotho to leave their political parties for RFP, stating that coalition governments has not helped the country since its inception in 2012. 

Further stressing that there is a need to vote for one party in the 2027 elections.  

Alliance of Democrats is part of the ruling coalition led by RFP, AD only won two constituencies and has two Proportional Representation seats which equates to four (4) seats in parliament.

Speaking exclusively to Lesotho Tribune and AD member who requested to remain anonymous shed light behind leaving AD for RFP.

She said Rapapa has been blocking posts for AD members in political post such as Home Affairs and Principal Secretary Post.

She argued that Rapapa has exhibited a lack of commitment to empower AD members, preferring instead to recruit individuals from other parties in exchange for political posts. Asked to give names of such individuals the unnamed AD member was unable to give names, instead tasking Lesotho to “investigate”.

Unnamed AD source accused Rapapa of not showing interest in other constituencies rather disproportionately allocating AD’S resources to his own Constituency. 

Further compounding, these issues are allegations that claims that he bribes individuals within the party with to create a political fractions, which further deepen divisions within the party. Adding that already AD committee is divided into two (the Mamasieane & Rapapa’s). 

She is also alleged that Rapapa betrayed Moleleki during the leadership elections in 2022, where he undermined Moleleki candidacy.  He stressed that the actions Rapapa portrays a person who is self-centred and an indicative of a broader arrogance and a lack of discipline.

“Rapapa has been deliberately sowing discord among party members to solidify his own control and influence, in his efforts to secure personal political gain has weakened the AD’s Cohesion,” she said.

Further allegations claim that Rapapa’s greed has reached a point where he allegedly receive kick-backs from the Principal Secretary of Education as well as  from contractors involved in building schools. 

Lesotho Tribune reached out to Ntoi Rapapa to comment of the above allegations but his response was not available at the time of publication.

Other career politicians who joined RFP are stock theft accused former Minister of Police, Lepota Sekola,former President of Women’s League from DC, Lieketseng Mosuhli  and  aix councillors and other members who were welcomed by the RFP Secretary General, Nthati Moroosi and Mokhethi Shelile at RFP offices.

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