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Shivambu and Manyi Join MK Party

Floyd Shivambu, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) deputy president, has quit the party to join the uMkhonto (MK) weSizwe Party, the political formation founded by former ANC president Jacob Zuma in 2023.

Shivambu, on Thursday afternoon, read his resignation letter to reporters gathered at the EFF’s headquarters in Johannesburg.

“I wish the EFF full prosperity and success, and wish that all commissars and ground forces will accept the very difficult decision I have taken,” Shivambu read from the letter.

Taking to the podium after Shivambu, EFF president and co-founder Julius Malema expressed sadness at his deputy’s departure.

“When he sent me a letter yesterday, I felt the same pain when I received the news of the passing away of my mother because Floyd to me is not just a comrade. He is a brother, and he will remain a brother even when he pursues his political career differently,” a visibly pained Malema said to reporters.

The uMkhonto Wesizwe Party (MK) shortly after EFf press conference announced the addition of two prominent political figures to its ranks: Mzwanele Manyi and Floyd Shivambu. The move marks a bold shift in the country’s progressive political dynamics, as the two seasoned leaders join forces with the MK Party at what many consider a critical juncture in the fight for social and economic justice.

The uMkhonto Wesizwe Party, whose value proposition is to fight the cause of the downtrodden and marginalized in South Africa, expressed optimism over the timing of this decision. 

In an official statement, the party leadership welcomed the addition of both comrades, noting their political acumen and experience as invaluable assets to the party’s mission.

“Cde. Mzwanele Manyi and Cde. Floyd Shivambu have made the decision to join our ranks, and we wholeheartedly welcome them to the uMkhonto Wesizwe Party. Their arrival could not have come at a more opportune time, as we continue to push forward the agenda of the Progressive Caucus,” the statement read.

Both Manyi and Shivambu are well-known figures in South African politics, with track records of engaging with issues of economic justice, anti-imperialism, and the fight for greater equity. Their alignment with the MK Party represents a new phase in their political careers, one that promises to further amplify the voices of those left behind by South Africa’s post-apartheid economic structure.

The party has indicated that Cde. Manyi and Cde. Shivambu will be deployed according to their respective strengths and areas of expertise, though details of their specific roles within the MK Party have yet to be revealed.

“As leadership, we urge all members of the uMkhonto Wesizwe Party to welcome these two progressive comrades as they begin to play a crucial role in advancing our revolutionary agenda. Their experience will no doubt fortify our efforts to bring about the true emancipation of the people,” the statement added.

The MK Party’s focus on radical economic transformation and the fight against entrenched inequality aligns with the political ideologies of both Manyi and Shivambu. Their entry into the party is expected to energize the base and bring renewed attention to the struggles of South Africa’s working class.

The statement concluded with a rallying cry for unity and action: “We wish them well as they pick up the spear and continue the fight for the emancipation of the downtrodden and marginalized people in our country.”

With Manyi and Shivambu now in its ranks, the uMkhonto Wesizwe Party appears poised to make a more significant impact on South Africa’s political stage. The coming months will reveal how this alliance will shape the party’s strategy and influence in the nation’s ongoing struggle for social justice and equality.

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