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UAT leader charged with illegal firearm

MASERU- United African Transformation (UAT) leader Dr. Mahali Phamotse appeared before Magistrate Court charged with illegal possession of a gun. 

Dr. Phamotse articulated her irritation over an illegal firearm case which has been hanging over her head since 2020

She is charged together with Democratic Congress (DC) backbencher, Mokherane Tsatsanyane and his brother Moorosi Tsatsanyane and Relebohile Thamae, who was Phamotse’s bodyguard.

The case has faced several postponement since its commencement. Initially set for 14 December 2020, it was delayed to the prosecutor, Advocate Qcinumuzi Tshabalala, attending a workshop. Magistrate Thamae rescheduled the case to 18th May 2021.

Nevertheless, on that date, the matter was pushed to 13th October 2021 because the Tsatsanyane brothers’ lawyer was unavailable. Preceding postponement occurred due to various reasons including the absence of the accused or their lawyers. 

On the 5th April 2022, Dr. Phamotse did not appear in court, provoking the crown to request a warrant ofarrest, which was granted. The warrant was later cancelled when Advocate Phafane KC clarified that Dr.Phamotse misunderstood the court’s instructions, believing only lawyers needed to attend to set newdates. The case was then set for 23rd August 2022.

On the 26th October 2023, Dr. Phamotse and Moorosi appeared in court, but the case was deferred again to 2ndJuly 2024. Advocate Motloli’s illness on Tuesday then led to the latest postponement.

“My Lord, I am not feeling well today and have a doctor’s appointment. I am therefore asking for the postponement of the matter,” submitted Adv. Motloli.

Adv. Phafane KC emphasized their willingness to proceed and highlighted the case’s impact on Dr.Phamotse’s political career.

He said Dr. Phamotse is keen to have the case finalizedas its negativity impacted her political career.

“My client being a public figure, is really anxious to have this matter proceed to finality within a reasonable time. She wants it done and over with so that she can followher career in politics,” said Phafane KC.

Advocate Sekoati Hlophe for the Crown expressedsimilar readiness but proposed the case be postponed to 28th October 2024. The Crown alleges that the two MPs were found in possession of unlicensed pump-action rifle that was loaded with two rounds of bullets at the Parliament premises on November 6th 2020.

The police found the gun in Dr. Phamotse’s car. Tsatsanyane and Phamotse were the Alliance of Democrats (AD) members at that time. In court papers, Thamae told the court that two weeks after he startedworking for Dr. Phamotse he met Mokherane Tsatsanyane at then AD leader, Monyane Moleleki’s home in Qoatsaneng.

“Mokherane left me with a pump-action and told me to use it in case someone tried to attack Dr. Phamotse,” said Thamae in his statement.

He said on November 6th 2020, he drove Dr. Phamotse to the Parliament where after she got off the police move toward him and told him that they had information that there was an illegal gun in the vehicle.

“The police officers took away the gun after asking me to produce its license and I could not produce it,” he said. Police Sargent Khaile in his statement said he received information that Dr. Phamotse’s vehicle had an illegal gun in it.

“We approached the vehicle and I saw a rifle on the passenger’s seat and I asked for the license which the driver failed to produce,” Sgt Khaile said, he also reported that they had ordered Thamae to report to the police   with the vehicle as it would be used as a display, “but he did not come, together with that exhibit”. 

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